Bowing Wall Threatens Pipes in Basement
In addition to making the home unstable, a bowing wall can break pipes and other fixtures in the basement. As shown here, the wall is already pushing on this pipe - how much longer before it breaks completely?

Horizontal Crack in Bowing Wall
Bowing block walls are particularly easy to spot, because the mortar between the blocks simply dislodges, showing the bow point.

DIY Attempts Show Longevity of Problem
The orange substance you can see at a crack in the wall is some sort of DIY crack filler - likely either because of the bowing causing a crack, or because water was leaking in. This kind of solution isn't a solution at all, as these problems only get worse.

Wall Anchors Provide a Permanent Solution
Instead of gluing together a cracked wall, wall anchors will provide a permanent solution to not only stabilizing the wall, but straightening it.

Wall Anchors Secured in Soil
We secure the wall anchors a distance from the house in undisturbed soil, which gives more stability and allows for tightening and straightening.

Closeup of Wall Anchor
The bolt in the middle of the plate is connected to the anchor line, which is secured outside.

Wall Anchors Stabilize Bowing Wall in Cedar Springs, MI
This wall is probably close to caving in completely, given how severely the entire wall is bowing.

Wall Anchors Straighten Bowing Wall
The first order of business in wall anchor installation is stabilizing the wall and preventing further bowing. After that, we can use a tightening kit to gradually tighten the anchor line and hopefully straighten the wall.