Chimney Pulls Away From Home
A sign of foundation failure: the chimney pulling away from the home.

Old Sump Pump
An old sump pump fails to remove the water from the basement.

Helical Piers Support Foundation
Helical piers installed beneath the foundation provide anchoring weight as the weight foundation is is transferred onto it.

SuperSump Replaces Old Pump
SuperSump has an airtight lid to prevent water from evaporating form it, while holes in the the sturdy liner collect water to efficiently pump it out of the basement.

SaniDry Dehumidifier Installed in Basement
A SaniDry dehumidifier placed in the basement takes up to 100 pints of moisture out of the air, using the same amount of energy as a 40 pint dehumidifier.

WaterGuard Directs Groundwater to Sump Pump
WaterGuard, a subfloor drainage system installed around the perimeter of the room, collects water and reroutes it to the sump.

Wall Anchors Further Support Foundation
Wall anchors are embedded into the soil away from the foundation wall hold the walls into position.