Moisture In Crawl Space Corner
Various areas of the crawl space showed signs of dampness which can adversely affect building materials and contribute to mold growth.

Moisture Flowing Through Crawl Space
The moisture from the corner of the crawl space has flowed downward into other areas of the crawl space. The encapsulation process will help keep this moisture from affecting any of the wood or other organic materials throughout the space.

Mold Present
During the inspection mold was found in several locations including the white patches around the walls here.

More Mold Found
There were areas of mold growth in rim joist and on the subfloor. These mold spores and musty smells circulate upward into the the home. This is the natural flow of air through the home. It's called the stack effect.

Crawl Space Full Of Debris
Many crawl spaces are full of unnecessary debris that can be cleaned up and removed during the encapsulation process.

Finished Space Is Brighter
The finished crawl space is cleaner, dryer, and brighter even.

CleanSpace Protects Up The Wall
The plastic liners that we generally find in crawl spaces are thin and easily ripped making them virtually useless and ineffective. Another problem is that they don't adhere well to walls. Our thick and durable CleanSpace material is very difficult to tear and protects up the wall. The material is held up with rivets.

CleanSpace Fully Encapsulates
The CleanSpace material on the walls wraps around openings and ledges and in many crawl spaces it's wrapped around piers to fully protect the entire space.