Cade's Home Prior to our Waterproofing Job
This is an inside look at Cade's home before we installed the products we recommended. You can clearly see the water damage caused by these pesky water leaks!

CleanSpace Wall System Address Wall Leaks
We decided to first add our CleanSpace Wall System around his basement walls as this consists of a poly sheet material that covers the wall and has a vapor and moisture barrier. This will protect his walls from water formation. It is a waterproof material with stain resistance.

WaterGuard System Adds Protection for Wall Leaks
We added our WaterGuard System since this is a sub-floor drainage system placed on top of the footing of the foundation and along the basement's perimeter. This will properly catch the water leaking in through the walls. It is hooked to the sump pump so the water doesn't end up on his floor!

TripleSafe Sump Pump System Keeps Water off his Belongings
To ensure Cade has the most efficient sump pump around we hooked his new WaterGuard System to our TripleSafe Sump Pump System. This is a three pump system fitting together in one durable liner that help keep water out. The first pump will do most of this job but the second and third pumps are there in case more assistance is needed. The third pump is equipped with a battery-operated system so it will turn on even when the power fails.

IceGuard Protects Exterior Discharge Lines
Next we even added protection for Cade's exterior discharge lines. These lines can be in danger during harsh weather so we added this antifreeze fitting with slotted openings to eject excess water, preventing the freezing or clogging of these lines!

LawnScape Outlet Provides More Efficient Downspout Drainage
The LawnScape Outlet is a fitting added to the end of the exterior discharge lines and enables downspout water to exit the home more efficiently. It is buried into the ground so it will be less of a tripping hazard and ensures water exits the home properly rather than accumulating on Cade's belongings!

Egress Window Replaces Unattractive Old Basement Window
We replaced Cade's old basement window that was falling apart with our Egress Window since this is more attractive and larger. It is waterproof and provides a safe escape route in the event of an emergency so it will make a great addition to his home!

Final Look at Waterproofing Systems
This is the finished look of Cade's home. We even made additional exterior installations for further protection as mentioned earlier. With these measures in place Cade will never have to worry about his home being flooded and damaged by water intrusion again!