Sinking Foundation Leads to Series of Problems
It's difficult to show all of the effects of this sinking foundation at once, but let's try. The foundation slab below the porch is settling, which caused the porch to tilt. This caused the support beam for the roof to slip off-kilter. The newly distributed weight from the porch put pressure on the retaining wall, which in turn put pressure on the garage wall, which cracked and bowed. Phew.

Slipped Porch Beam a Symptom of Foundation Settlement
This is not what you want to see when you look at your home. The beam supporting the roof over the porch slipped as the foundation settled, ending up in this off-kilter position. This puts the entire structure at risk of further shifting or even collapse.

Uneven Porch After Foundation Settles
The tilt to the porch is evident here, particularly when you look at the base of the posts supporting the fence.

Stairstep Cracks in Bowed Garage Wall
A crack like this is a sign of foundation settlement, as the wall bulges or "bows" from uneven pressure on it - in this case, the pressure from the retaining wall, which shifted as a result of pressure from the porch.

Closeup of Stairstep Wall Crack
While in poured walls you may see diagonal cracks from doorframes when something is amiss with the foundation, block walls present problems in the form of a stairstep crack like the one seen here.

Excavation for Piers
It's necessary to remove any surface concrete in place and excavate a hole for the pier installation. The depth is necessary to secure the piers in strong virgin soil for maximum support.

Production Crew Hard at Work Placing Piers
We try to minimize the disturbance to the property when it comes to removing concrete, landscaping, and other features. Here, we've excavated a hole for pier placement that is approximately one Evan in size.

Helical Piers Provide Support to Long Beach, IN Foundation
By installing piers beneath major support walls, we can make sure the weight of the house is safely distributed and will be supported by the piers rather than the shifting soil

Pier Installed under Retaining Wall
A pier was installed at the base of the retaining wall to provide extra reinforcement and support.

Helical Piers Support Long Beach, IN House
The piers are placed strategically to bear the weight of the house rather than relying on the proven unreliable soil, which has already shifted and caused the foundation to settle. Since the piers are drilled deep into the ground, they will support the home regardless of what happens in those first few feet of soil.