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Win the Fight Against a Cold Basement

Win the Fight Against a Cold Basement - Image 1

Do you feel as though you’re constantly cranking your thermostat because you can never get your house warm? Properly insulating your basement will make life above and below ground a lot more comfortable no matter the season. Whether your basement is finished or not, there are ways to insulate your walls and floors so that you don’t have to wrap yourself up every time you do laundry down there. You may have a false peace of mind that the pink fiberglass insulation between your basement’s ceiling joists is magically keeping heat in. Instead, this fiberglass insulation only keeps the upstairs living space warm, not the basement. There are many ways heat is leaving your home—porous walls, cold concrete floors or wall cracks—but retaining that heat requires just a few effective moves. Here’s how to win the fight against a cold basement:

Insulate the Floors

You may be accustomed to a cold, damp basement floor but you’re losing more than comfort, you’re losing heat and gaining a massive energy bill. Our ThermalDry floor panels form a great insulated, waterproof base to your basement flooring. They are inorganic which means that mold and mildew cannot form on these panels when wet. They also serve as an incredible heat barrier between the cold, concrete floor and your feet!

Insulate the Walls

Your basement also allows heat to escape through porous block walls and windows that aren’t correctly sealed. Our ThermalDry Radiant Barrier is a waterproof heat barrier on your walls. The reflective surface keeps heat inside your basement—where it should be! About 97% of heat that reaches your walls is deflected back into your basement and you won’t feel the need to keep turning up your heat.

Insulate the Windows

Most basement windows are installed by a window company and not a basement company. Regular windows in a basement are at ground level and are no match for flooding water. Many basement leaks tend to start around a window well. If water can enter through those window wells, so can cold, outside air. As a basement company, we know the importance of installing windows that account for shifts in the soil that will not allow water and air to enter your basement.

We offer a range of insulation products for your basement that have the added benefit of waterproofing protection. 

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Ayers Basement Systems
2631 Eaton Rapids Rd
Lansing, MI 48911

Ayers Basement Systems
4475 Airwest Dr SE
Kentwood, MI 49512

Ayers Basement Systems
39555 Orchard Hill Place
Suite 600
Novi, MI 48375
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