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The Family Lake House: Legacy or Burden?


The Family Lake House: Legacy or Burden? - Image 1

It’s not uncommon in the summer to hear people mention going to the cottage, the cabin, the lake, up north, to the west side, or any other number of terms used to refer to their or a family member’s lake house. One of the benefits of putting up with Michigan’s nonsense weather is the privilege of getting to spend summer weekends by the water. Many people pass down their waterfront properties to future generations until the house has become just “the house” for all who spend time there. But if you want to protect your investment, and your legacy, there are some things you need to do. 


Passing down a cottage that has an unencapsulated crawl space or other problems lurking below ground isn’t creating the kind of legacy you want. You want it to be an honor and privilege to receive ownership, not an albatross around your child or grandchild’s neck. Imagine receiving a house and finding it in major disrepair, a huge money pit that ruins all of your fond memories - do you want to put your family in that position? Or do you want them to continue family traditions and make memories for generations to come? 


Here’s how you do it. 



 Get the house inspected. Get it inspected every winter when it isn’t in use.  



Listen to the results of the inspection. If there are water problems, get a waterproofing system installed. If it needs insulation, get the right insulation. Get a dehumidifier basically no matter what - your home will be better for it. 



I’m repeating this one because getting a problem fixed isn’t the end; take advantage of annual maintenance programs to make sure nothing new arises and that your home is in tip top shape. 



Keep a folder somewhere that documents inspections and projects along with contact information. Whoever inherits the house will thank you, and will be able to continue maintaining it at the high standard you set. 



Now that you know you’re leaving a cherished memory and not a pile of problems behind, enjoy your home! Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is well taken care of and will be for decades to come. 

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Ayers Basement Systems
2631 Eaton Rapids Rd
Lansing, MI 48911

Ayers Basement Systems
4475 Airwest Dr SE
Kentwood, MI 49512

Ayers Basement Systems
39555 Orchard Hill Place
Suite 600
Novi, MI 48375
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